Blog News Report

Rock en Seine 2011


Cage the Elephant @ Rock en Seine

My last music festival for the summer, in the beautiful park of the « Domaine national de St Cloud ». There was a pretty nice lineup maybe a bit to hype for me, but anyway their was some really great show. Foo Fighters, The Streets, Deftones for the really huge bands, and some nice discoveries (for me) with the Jim Jones Revue, Seasick Steve, Cage the Elephant and  Trentemoller.

Blog Report

Jazz In Marciac

Jazz in Marciac - Bandeau

It’s the summer, time for the festivals to pop out all around the country. I had the chance to stay 3 days at the Jazz in Marciac, the legendary Jazz festival in the south west of France. I was reporting for Ziknation and the Deezer blog (Made to Move) and tried to catch the vibes around the gigs.

Blog Report

Back from the Eurockéennes

Bandeau Eurockéennes

This was my second edition as a photographer of my favorite french festival : the Eurockéennes. I started going there as the public as I was 14. So it’s always a pleasure to go back there, lots of memories.

Blog Report

Paris Gay Pride 2011

Paris Gay Pride
I try to cover every Gay Price since I stumbled upon the New York one. It’s a photographer dream : crazy people in «nice» outfits, who like to be taken in picture and a global good vibes.

News Report

No tripod allowed

Toursites à La Défense
It has been a while since I wanted to go back to « La Défense » neighborhood to take some picture of the buildings. After a last minute twitter meeting with @flayks, we took our tripod and left for « La Défense ».

We spent 3 hours shooting in the night before the police came and told us that photography with tripod was not allowed without specific authorization … but we didn’t really got why…

News Report

f/4 in Brussels

f/4 crew in BrusselsHave you heard of the f/4 project ? I guess not 🙂

Here is the pitch : every week a random theme is sorted randomly (thanks to the wikipedia random article function). Each member has the week to shoot a picture and publish it. The result is displayed here :

We did this for about a year and starded to slow down and abandon the projet due to a lack of time, a very demanding concept and an old crappy website

Report Wall of Fame / Shame

French revolution disperal

French Revolution @ Bastille

I live close to the Bastille place in Paris. It’s the place where almost every demonstration ends in Paris. I can say that everything happend right under my windows, so I had no excuses not to cover this.

The place was occupied by the « french revolution » for a week, in support of the « spanish revolution ». Last saturday the Police decided to flush the manifestant out of the place.